2023 Fall Equinox Gathering

Please join us Saturday Sept 23 at the Pyramid for this Autumn Equinox at 6pm for Living Sound Temple, a powerful healing sound activation with Theda Phoenix and her shamanic channeled vocals, angelic songs, resonant crystal singing bowls and other sound healing instruments.

Wash your troubles away and reconnect to your source frequency of love.

Theda is also celebrating the digital release of her newest Crystal Singing Bowl Album “Crystal Calm Vol. 2.”

Suggested $20 cash donation for the facilitator. Theda’s music CD’s and jewelry will be available for purchase.

Also this gathering will be captured on video to be live streamed by Matthew Jensen, by attending you give permission to be recorded for the post.

After the pyramid meditation we will all head down to the Kekuli for an organic potluck, please bring an organic vegetarian contribution for the potluck and your drum or dancing feet. We are looking forward to seeing new faces and reconnecting with familiar friends.

Theda Phoenix is a renowned sound healing musician with a 20-year career and a devoted following. Her music is a captivating mix of styles that incorporates crystal bowls, harp, drums, and guitar. Her ethereal voice conveys deep gratitude for nature and a passion for our loving connection with the Divine. Theda has released five studio albums and actively performs in BC. Her music is available for purchase on her website’s music page, as well as on streaming sites such as Spotify and iTunes. Theda’s performances are captivating, uplifting, and transformative, and creates a conduit to our divine living connection with the universe….

See Complete Details and RSVP Here

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